The Honorable Chief Guest Jakka Venkat Reddy – Mayor , Kurra Shiva Kumar – Deputy Mayor, Chandrakala , Chandra reddy – 7th ward Peerzadiguda Corporator & honorable President of Our Foundation, Our Foundation Chairman Aavula Venkatesh were Participated in the Program.
The Main Concept of Aids & Appliances Distribution Program is that the people who are unable to purchase the Material , for those candidates taken Measurements and Provided the Equipment’s for the People Nearly 150 Appliances were applied and received the are Satisfied with this Aids & Appliance , the Aids & Appliance are( Calipers, Crutcher’s, Hand’s Sticks and walkers). There are is totally 250 Appliances were Enrolled for this Program. The Program is held in the month of OCT 04th , 2021. Each (Aids & Appliance Cost Calipers is 6000 , Crutcher’s is 3000 , Hand’s Sticks is 1000, walkers is 5000).